Battlefield 1: Forum Signatures

Discussion in 'Battlefield 1' started by Kenny, May 27, 2017.

  1. Attention Battlefield Platoon!

    If you are interested in putting a signature on your forum account that displays your Battlefield 1 stats, please follow this guide.

    Navigate to the website:

    Search for your origin username.


    Select your username and then hit the Graphics tab.


    Select the graphic you would like to use and copy the BBCode.

    Navigate to the forums and find Signature under account settings.

    Click on the wrench and select "Use BB Code Editor".

    Paste the BBCode from BF1 stats and hit save!

    Let me know if you have any questions!
    #1 Kenny, May 27, 2017
    Last edited: May 27, 2017
  2. Thanks Kenny!
    Kenny likes this.
  3. is mine working right?
    Ironhorse and Kenny like this.
  4. Just a heads up if you want Kenny's RTR version, its not on the first page. But with your help, it COULD BE!\

    Done and done kenny!
    Kenny likes this.
  5. Thanks Kenny.
    Kenny likes this.
  6. I had made one for Skylark too. The only stat that matters:
