HELP NEEDED: RS2 - Vietnam servers

Discussion in 'Rising Storm 2: Vietnam' started by miikee, Jun 21, 2017.

  1. Over the past couple of weeks our RS2: Vietnam servers have been doing well with population and I want to thank the handful of people who have been consistently helping seed. However; even though seeding helps get players to join the servers it doesn't typically keep them there. Typically I have been getting up in the morning around 7:00am to play so that I can communicate with the early risers that join our server. The communication is what keeps them in the server. After so long, you will get 6-7 people that are actually playing (not just seeding) and then the players just start to roll in.

    I would like to see if I could get a couple people to commit to getting up in the morning to jump on the server with me. We would like to see you on the server between 715-730 CST (815-830 EST).

    I just do not want to see the hard work we've all been putting in go to waste and I think this would help a lot.
    #1 miikee, Jun 21, 2017
    Last edited: Jun 21, 2017
    Nulli172 likes this.
  2. No one want's to help out?

  3. If you don't have the game and are willing to put sometime in to help I'll buy you a copy. It's a great game!
    xLocust, Nulli172 and miikee like this.
  4. If you guys have not taken Sym up on his offer, you really should. Not only is the game great but with the servers currently being ranked #3 and #4, we could really use more of our members in there as this is really going to get rTr's name out to the public and has huge recruiting potential.
    Sym-5150- likes this.
  5. I have the game now. Count me in.
    Ironhorse and Sym-5150- like this.
  6. 2 - 64 man servers packed full - Recruiters paradise
  7. While I can't commit to chatting during that window (that's when I leave for work or am already at work depending on the day), I have been setting my alarm 10 minutes earlier in the morning so I can have time to get logged into one of the RS2 servers and bf1. I love that RS2 doesn't have an idle kick!

    Great job with these servers!
  8. We can do it!
    miikee likes this.