PU's Battleground videos!

Discussion in 'Playerunknown Battlegrounds' started by Army126, Apr 10, 2017.

  1. Good shit.

    I've had it end in Pochinki a few times. Probably my favorite place for it to end. So much better then a empty field.
    Army126 and Antivanity like this.
  2. So rae got stuck in a vehicle for 15 mins tonight.....
    Raezar likes this.
  3. I feel your pain, Solid ran me over yesterday. Someone needs to revoke his license :D
    Army126 and Kenny like this.
  4. Solid might be the new AntiVanity when it comes to driving. After they fixed vehicle physics, Vanity isn't so unpredictable lol
    Kenny and Antivanity like this.
  5. PUBG The Movie!

  6. Although its missing some asshole running over people in a vehicle ;)
    Jim_Lahey3745 likes this.
  7. This was a perfect setup...for us...we went on to win a dinner after this garbage circle in the middle of the field...

    Kenny and Antivanity like this.
  8. [​IMG]