PU's Battleground videos!

Discussion in 'Playerunknown Battlegrounds' started by Army126, Apr 10, 2017.

  1. @SwampAss I love Foo's commentary in that clip lmao
    SwampAss likes this.
  2. Nothing like a tacticool roll.

  3. This guy here made a very bad mistake that was quite the laugh!

    xLocust, Raezar and Nulli172 like this.
  4. Shots coming from all over, couldn't figure what was going on...turn your volume up and give your opinion!!!

    DigitalHominid and Antivanity like this.
  5. That shit was from the south, your lucky you didnt knock vanity out.
    DigitalHominid likes this.
  6. And dont believe anything @Ryuujinnsama posts, he is doing some crazy video editting. All LIES...
  7. As the victim here, I side with @Ryuujinnsama
  8. OMG... @altoidsyn is in cahoots with @Ryuujinsama Lies... All Lies..