
Discussion in 'Other Games' started by Wacoede, Jul 7, 2017.

  1. has anyone even heard of this game? (I hadn't until I saw a streamer playing it)

    In case you haven't imagine Kerbal Space Program meets Rust/Ark/any other survival game, real newton physics and orbital mechanics (read real pain in the arse if you hit something with any speed)

    It's in really Early phases right now but it might be good

  2. This showed up in my queue. It looked pretty neat. I'll try it out but not at this price for an alpha/betaish game. This early access stuff used to be called a "demo" back in the day. Not liking it being so overused.
  3. I own this game. Not much you can at the moment, but is a great time killer.. Just trying figure out how to turn the air on takes a bit of time..