Ideas For rTr sponsored PubG events

Discussion in 'Playerunknown Battlegrounds' started by CancerousSunChip, Oct 18, 2017.

  1. So, I made a thread previous to this one and saw that a lot of you guys had looked at it. So, I figure why not get some ideas on how we could do this being as we don't have a private server and as far as I am aware, I don't think they have said anything about adding that for the public or even opening back up apps. That could definitely be a barrier for some things. We'd have to do it leader-board based or something right at the updates and start playing at the same time, which I know everyone isn't available all the time myself included. But I think we can definitely figure something out and I see new people coming in all the time that like it and end up joining the community so I don't think we'd have too much of an issue finding people for it.

    It'd be great to get some ideas
  2. We are currently working on some ideas for rTr events and prizes. We will post more info when available.

    Feel free to post any ideas you or others have though. We love the community getting involved.
  3. I was sure you guys had something cooking. I'll be interested to hear. I think we could do the best sprees and such submitted by video or something. The only thing I could see wrong with this is verifying that they post their gameplay and not something else off the internet and not everyone has shadowplay or can run OBS or a in-game recorder.