I'm not to tech savvy so idk what is good and what is a pile of steaming crap. I have a tight budget right now also. Thanks for any advise in advance. (I'm looking to spend no more then $700)
This is what I came up with. If you already have a PC that has hard drives, you can save yourself $50 instead of buying a new one. This price does not include windows but we can get copies for cheap when the time comes. I could say get a cheaper CPU but the 7600k will keep you good for 5 years. No point in spending a little bit less to only have to upgrade in 1-3 years. https://pcpartpicker.com/list/B7bcvV
I'd really try to find a way to get a GTX 1060 in there. Here is a FPS comparison in BF1 at 1080p Ultra between 1050Ti, 1060, 1070, and 1080. The 1060 will keep you above 60fps. 1050Ti seems to sit in the 40's.
The 7600k is awesome. I am using one now and I love it. It even benches better in some areas than the i7 7700k.
With a $700 budget, 1060 just can't happen. I couldn't even fit an SSD in there and thats pretty much a standard these days. It also depends on what monitor he's using. If he isn't at 1080p, then it won't matter as much. I also can't recommend the 3GB version of the 1060 as most games are hitting that mark these days. The best alternative would be to look for a used gtx970, that will outperform a 1050ti and do well with this build. They can be had for less than $200 on Ebay
I'm starting from scratch the only 2 things i plan on keeping from my current rig are the power supply and the hard drive.... Also right now when i play BF1 i get (if im lucky) 30 fps and ive gotten use to that so fps isnt a huge factor on what i get.....
Here's an edited link without the PSU and HDD. It allows for a 1060 6GB. If you can spare an extra $43, I suggest getting 16GB's of DDR4 RAM. If not, 8GB's will do the trick and will keep the price just shy of $700. https://pcpartpicker.com/list/KMnCVY When you're ready to pull the trigger, get with me and I'll put together the actual list instead of using all those retailers. I can also throw some coupons and other random shit that I get in my emails that will help with the overall price. I also have Shoprunner, that will give you free 2 day shipping if you buy from Newegg with select items. It works well and is better than even Newegg's in house "Premier 3 day" shipping.
I would dump the i5 and go for an G4560 Pentium.. Then you can upgrade the Video card to either a 1060 ( with its limited Vram ) or a RX480.. you can always upgrade the CPU to an i5 later.. Also some M-ATX boards are cheaper, and so are the cases.. here is what I put together.. $675.31 With a Micro ATX board, and case, 500gig SSD , RX 480.. In BF1 it performs the same as a 1060 6 gb at 1080p.. https://pcpartpicker.com/list/vs4j7h http://www.hardwarecanucks.com/foru...3945-gtx-1060-vs-rx-480-updated-review-3.html
For the VRAM, the 2 extra GB's at 1080p doesn't matter. You can see that here in the GTA5 benchmark where the 1060 pulls out 10+fps over the 480 in a VRAM hungry game. http://www.hardwarecanucks.com/foru...3945-gtx-1060-vs-rx-480-updated-review-5.html I wrote in a different setup here. Since you won't be OCing the Pentium(I didn't know the Pentiums were hyperthreaded this time around), there's no need for a Z270 board which saves some money. You already have your hard drives/power supply, there's no need for a 500GB SSD. 240GB SSD will fit your OS and a few games. Best part! This build includes the gtx1070. Zotac has a version down under $350 right now and thats a super good deal. https://pcpartpicker.com/list/yyC9QV $700.93
Honestly i was running my r270x wit bf1 since last year, just had the graphics settings to auto and had zero issue. You just dont need a 1060 if you cant afford one, BF1 is designed to run in auto mode on almost anything and considering the ultimate goal of the game it frag count and not flower pixel count i'd concentrate more on what Army is suggesting. Also a 250gb SSD really is enough as your c drive then just use your older drive to install the games. Concentrate on having at least 8gb if not 16gb of memory as well.