Post your BF1 Moments here!

Discussion in 'Battlefield 1' started by Solidflip, Apr 12, 2017.

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  1. Like a scene pulled straight out of a war movie.

    holtmanium, xLocust and Kenny like this.
  2. Tip to pilots, don't fly too low.... :)

    #33 0utlaw_Torn, Jul 24, 2017
    Last edited: Jul 24, 2017

  3. the best conversation about breast milk and stuff
    CriptoDeus likes this.
  4. the perfect ambush ruined by a horse

    and nocontext hatespeech from solid
    Kenny likes this.
  5. i managed to make gerbilspaceprogram a bit upset what with me bombing him all match

  6. If only all tankers didnt move like this guy

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