Hello Right to Rebel, I was guided to here by some of your friendly folk on Teamspeak. We'd like to invite you all to come play in our Pick-Up-Games, hosted on our dedicated box, Wednesday night at 8:00 PM EST. Clans are first come first serve, as we enjoy a more tactical and competitively focused gamestyle. If you only bring half a squad and wish to bring a full one, we may be able to accommodate. Otherwise, you may bring up to 3 squads as slots available are subject to change. We host our PUG games every week, so if this is too short of a notice, you may always try to organize for the next one but I'd appreciate any show. We encourage sending at least a liaison at 7:30 pm EST to our Discord (or add me on Steam) to help organize. You are also invited to bring any people that are persons-of-interest within your clan, so it may be used a promotional event, but please keep the recruitment to yourself as it may interfere with other clan's. Here is our Discord, https://discord.gg/9qYXBB3 Here is my steam profile, http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198019317572/