PU's Battleground videos!

Discussion in 'Playerunknown Battlegrounds' started by Army126, Apr 10, 2017.

  1. Dave and I went for a flight.
  2. Amazing...
  3. So am I the only one that see Runny give kris a good dick thrust at 0:20? Runny was enjoying the stunt!
  4. That was me giving runny the good thrust. Was glorious.
    Army126 likes this.
  5. oh clearly I can't see the names >.<

    I hope you cleaned up afterwards.
    Army126 likes this.
  6. You sure can! I've jump head shot one punched a few people, its very satisfying.
  7. I was running over because I was thinking I would be getting Dave's loot after his death, he surprised me with the punch.
    xLocust likes this.
  8. Locust and I were laughing today that we made videos completely opposite of each other.. he misses all his shots and ends up fisting a guy.. and i one tap a guy.

    SaGreene and xLocust like this.