Well then...

Discussion in 'Rising Storm 2: Vietnam' started by CityOfDealers, Jun 14, 2017.

  1. So I just bought this game, and hopped on the server. Saw an RPG slot open, and I learned that the backblast actually does damage. Poor guy...that rocket was really packed with fuel..
    xLocust and miikee like this.
  2. That's awesome! Glad you got the game. Are you enjoying it?
  3. Need to play more tonight. Only got a bout a round or so in before the server went down but so far its pretty neat. I used to play Red orchestra 2 a lot, but its been a long time and I need to get used to the controls and everything again. Tried marksman out but started to feel motion sick after a few minutes trying to use that scope :/
    #3 CityOfDealers, Jun 14, 2017
    Last edited: Jun 14, 2017