Rising Storm 2: Vietnam

Discussion in 'Other Games' started by Red_River_1, Apr 30, 2017.

  1. Let me know if you need any help dude.
  2. Just purchased this game. The UI and gameplay reminds me a lot of Day of Defeat from back in the day. Seems to be a really fun game.
    Kenny likes this.
  3. Calling all cars ...II Invite you to come play to fill the server up and get some awesome gun play on at out server Loving the RS2 Vietnam game ...betting if you give it a go you will to. if you don't like it refund it and get your money back its a steam game give it a hour i bet its your new favorite shooter it is mine :D
  4. @FrOgM

    I love the game however; I don't get much time to play anymore. With that being said, I'll connect my two PC's this evening and help seed the server. I would like to see this server have a nice following like our BF servers in the past.

    Does anyone know the current idle kick times so I can set something up to re-connect?

    For others interested in the game or needing as second copy of the game for a seeding machine. Please see my earlier post for a good deal on the game:

  5. The following is a list of items we are targeting for the first patch, update 1.01. PLEASE KEEP IN MIND that we CANNOT guarantee we will fix these items in this patch and it is subject to change (with both additional fixes or the removal of some), but it is our intent to.

    • Prototype rendering system - We briefly talked about this before launch and our engine team has continued to work on this system. We believe we can start fully testing this internally over the next week and if all goes well we hope to include it in the first patch. This system should help move the current performance bottleneck from many computer configurations from their CPU to their GPU.

    • Crash fixes, with the priority on launch crashes

    • Many map collision and geometry fixes. We are trying to fix up as many loose ends here as we can.

    • A condition in which CuChi will not progress past Objective F

    • Black screen that can result while dieing when attempting to leave a helicopter

    • Several weapon animation issues and glitches with specific weapons that have been reported

    • A mantle condition that can cause the player to teleport someplace unexpected (to both them and the other team)

    • Delay in round start after team swap when certain conditions are met

    • Several localization fixes

    • A case where clients and servers can get out of sync

    • Off target napalm strikes

    • Memory leak that could be a major cause of stuttering

    • Vehicle VoIP channel not working properly

    • Spooky gunship attenuation not working properly so it sounds like it is landing next to you

    • Player death screams attenuating too soon making them mostly inaudible

    • And more (and with additional fixes already lining up for 1.02 that we feel won’t make it in time for our 1.01 patch).
  6. Looks like some good updates and fixes.