A Intel i5-4670k CPU (Quad core) plus memory and PS is on sale for $30 locally Is it a lot faster then my i7-950? Motherboard is not working so i would have to buy another.
the prospect of buyin a Z87 mobo for the i5 is the hinge for me, as the value becomes really thin if you can only find one new. it'd def game faster tho... maybe someone here has a decent mobo to donate? you're on my list for Kenny's re-gifted GTX970 once i can afford a replacement.
If you can afford this mobo, then get it. https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=9SIADFR83J0264&cm_re=z87-_-9SIADFR83J0264-_-Product Like Ivan said, its a worthy upgrade but the cost of mobo's might be an issue. I didn't think I was going to be able to find them at a decent price but its not bad. Just be warned, the example I gave is refurbished, the warranty is most likely only 30-90 days.
Would this work with the chip... I might just wait https://www.ebay.com/itm/ASUS-Maxim...311695?hash=item5913be0d4f:g:us4AAOSwjtZbuTl7
ya, that's a good mobo. i'd offer like $35 tho, cause even my DDR4 Maximus that was once a $260 msrp has recently been on sale brand new, warranty'd, for $80 shipped. this guy on ebay should be aware how little demand that mobo commands today due to the shift in CPU core count & memory type/speed (or note that in your offer).